Ron Moody Overview:

Actor, Ron Moody, was born Ronald Moodnick on Jan 8, 1924 in Tottenham, England. Moody died at the age of 91 on Jun 11, 2015 in London, England .



Although Moody was nominated for one Oscar, he never won a competitive Academy Award.

Academy Awards

YearAwardFilm nameRoleResult
1968Best ActorOliver! (1968)FaginNominated

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Ron Moody Quotes:

Sidney Pudney: Search me, as the monkey said to his mate.

Gabrielle: Ah, that Roberto. But why did he have to cheat?
Raphael: Debts! More than 160 million lire. And he figured that by gambling with our money he could pay off his debts and us. But...everthing just went pffff!
Gabrielle: And that's when he went...over the cliff?
Raphael: Oh, no. No. He told Sandra about his predicament and she, nice girl that she is, gave him all her jewellery but that went pffff in the same way.
Gabrielle: Well, it was decent of Sandra to have given him all her jewellery.
Raphael: As matters now stand, you'll get back about 2 million lire. We've attached the house.
Gabrielle: Is that so?
Raphael: We've given Sandra about six weeks to pay back the money and if she can't, well, pffff goes the house, everything in it.
Gabrielle: But I still pity Sandra.
Raphael: Oh, you do, do you?
Gabrielle: woman without a house can still live in a hotel--but, a woman without her does she pay for the room?

Sidney Pudney: Don't get pickled, as the monkey said to the onion.

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Ron Moody Facts
Columbia producers wanted to cast Peter Sellers as Fagin in Oliver! (1968), but Lionel Bart and Carol Reed both insisted that Moody should be allowed to reprise his acclaimed stage role.

He declined the opportunity to play the Third Doctor in the popular BBC series "Doctor Who" (1963), after the departure of Patrick Troughton in 1969. The part eventually went to Jon Pertwee. He later described this as "the worst decision [he] ever made.".

Was nominated for Broadway's 1984 Tony Award as Best Actor (Musical) for "Oliver!," recreating the role of Fagin that had previously gained him a Best Actor Oscar nomination in the film version of the same name, Oliver! (1968).

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