Rochelle Hudson Overview:

Actress, Rochelle Hudson, was born on Mar 6, 1916 in Oklahoma City, OK. Hudson died at the age of 55 on Jan 17, 1972 in Palm Desert, CA .



She was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Motion Pictures.

BlogHub Articles:

acting career spanned four decades

By Art on Mar 7, 2016 From Classic Cinema Gold

, born March 6, 1916 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma was a film and television actress whose career spanned four decades from the 1930s through the 1960s. She was named a WAMPAS Baby Star in 1931 along with future Hollywood stars Joan Blondell, Constance Cummings, Frances Dee, and Anita Lo... Read full article

Actress and Spy:

By Emma on Mar 13, 2014 From Lets Misbehave: A Tribute to Precode Hollywood

Named as one of the hopeful starlets predicted for Hollywood stardom in the 1931 WAMPAS’s roll call, overcame her chorus girl roles and bit parts to become a leading lady with a long and distinguished career. But her legend includes more than acting successes with stints helpin... Read full article

Actress and Spy:

By Emma on Mar 13, 2014 From Lets Misbehave: A Tribute to Precode Hollywood

Named as one of the hopeful starlets predicted for Hollywood stardom in the 1931 WAMPAS’s roll call, overcame her chorus girl roles and bit parts to become a leading lady with a long and distinguished career. But her legend includes more than acting successes with stints helpin... Read full article

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Rochelle Hudson Quotes:

Jessie Pullman, Age 18: After all, what's the good of algebra and all that stuff to a girl?

Mr. William Watts: [introducing] Miss Summers, uh, Miss Douglas.
Allie Summers: Oh, yes. You're the little girl on the front desk, aren't you?
Cynthia Douglas: Yes. I've taken your application many times.

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Rochelle Hudson Facts
Was a WAMPAS Baby Star in 1931.

Prodded by an ambitious stage mother into an early career, some sources state that Rochelle, who was quite mature for her age, was actually born in 1916. It seems that RKO Pictures, which had signed the teenager, added two years to her age because the public would never accept or condone a 15-year-old in romantic leads.

Spoke fluent French and Spanish.

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