Robert Middleton Overview:

Actor, Robert Middleton, was born Samuel Messer on May 13, 1911 in Cincinnati, OH. Middleton died at the age of 66 on Jun 14, 1977 in Hollywood, CA .



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Robert Middleton Quotes:

Ben Ryerson: [to Riley] Man calls me a liar - I'll kill 'em! You're not a man. You're a boy!

Cora Johnson: Charlie, the trial's over.
Howard Hayes: I told you we'd be late. I told you!
Cora Johnson: Rudy's guilty. Murder in the first degree's what the jury said.
Charlie Hayes: Of course he's guilty. We know that. What about the sentence.
Cora Johnson: Judge is going to do that at 11:00.
Charlie Hayes: Well, we ain't too late at all.

Dennis Wilcox: Now look, mister, the first rule of the game of poker, whether you're playing eastern or western rules, or the kind they play at the North Pole, is put up or shut up!

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