Robert Coote Overview:

Character actor, Robert Coote, was born on Feb 4, 1909 in London, England. Coote died at the age of 73 on Nov 26, 1982 in New York City, NY .


English actor largely in Hollywood films (after screen starts in Britain and Australia), usually as an affable cove, an RAF officer or the hero's best friend. He was a real-life squadron-leader in World War II, with the Royal Canadian Air Force. After decades of semi-anonymity, he became known worldwide in the 1960s as one of the stars of a television series called The Rogues.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



BlogHub Articles:

The Many Charms of

By The Metzinger Sisters on Nov 14, 2015 From Silver Scenes - A Blog for Classic Film Lovers

"You would come. I didn't want to show it to you, but, oh, no, no, you just had to see it!" Mr. Coombes, who uttered these words in the beloved 1947 classic The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, was just one of many characters portrayed by English actor . Like most character actors, 's f... Read full article

The Many Charms of

By The Metzinger Sisters on Nov 14, 2015 From Silver Scenes - A Blog for Classic Film Lovers

"You would come. I didn't want to show it to you, but, oh, no, no, you just had to see it!" Mr. Coombes, who uttered these words in the beloved 1947 classic The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, was just one of many characters portrayed by English actor . Like most character actors, 's f... Read full article

The Many Charms of

By The Metzinger Sisters on Nov 14, 2015 From Silver Scenes - A Blog for Classic Film Lovers

"You would come. I didn't want to show it to you, but, oh, no, no, you just had to see it!" Mr. Coombes, who uttered these words in the beloved 1947 classic The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, was just one of many characters portrayed by English actor . Like most character actors, 's f... Read full article

The Many Charms of

By The Metzinger Sisters on Feb 3, 2015 From Silver Scenes - A Blog for Classic Film Lovers

"You would come. I didn't want to show it to you, but, oh, no, no, you just had to see it!" Mr. Coombes, who uttered these words in the beloved 1947 classic The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, was just one of many characters portrayed by English actor . Like most character actors, 's ... Read full article

The Many Charms of

By The Metzinger Sisters on Feb 3, 2015 From Silver Scenes - A Blog for Classic Film Lovers

"You would come. I didn't want to show it to you, but, oh, no, no, you just had to see it!" Mr. Coombes, who uttered these words in the beloved 1947 classic The Ghost and Mrs. Muir, was just one of many characters portrayed by English actor . Like most character actors, 's ... Read full article

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Robert Coote Quotes:

Sir Hubert Charles: Sir Hubert doesn't like a challenge! Sir Hubert likes a sure thing!

Sir Hubert Charles: I know, I know! It's been said that Sir Hubert, here, has a dirty mind. Well, I just can't help it!

[a British officer steps from the back of his tralier to address the officers before him]
British officer: Gentlemen, the following order from General Auchinleck, is to all commanders and chiefs-of-staff of the Middle East Forces.
British officer: "There exists a real danger that our friend Rommel is becoming a kind of magician or bogeyman to our troops, who are talking far too much about him. He is by no means a superman, although he is undoubtedly very energetic and able. Even if he were a superman, it would still be highly undesirable that our men should credit him with supernatural powers. I wish you to dispel by all possible means the idea that Rommel represents something more than an ordinary German general. Please ensure that this order is put into immediate effect, and impress upon all commanders, that from the psychological point of view, it is a matter of the highest importance. Signed, C.J. Auchinleck, General, Commander-In-Chief, M.E.F."

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Robert Coote Facts
Made his London debut playing the King in the 1931 revival of "The Windmill Man" at the Victoria Palace.

Was nominated for Broadway's 1957 Tony Award as Best Supporting Actor (Musical) for "My Fair Lady," for his performance as Colonel Pickering, a role he created in the original Broadway production (1956-1962) and reprised in the Broadway revival (1976-1977).

Served In The Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) during the Second World War.

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