Richard Beymer Overview:

Actor, Richard Beymer, was born George Richard Beymer on Feb 20, 1938 in Avoca, IA. As of December 2023, Richard Beymer was 85 years old.



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Richard Beymer Quotes:

Tony: Well end your suffering little man. Why don't you pack up your gear and clear out of here?

Riff: Look, Tony, I've never asked the time of day from a clock but I'm asking you, come to the dance tonight. I already told the gang you'd be there. If you don't show I'll be marked lousy.
Tony: What time?
Riff: Ten.
Tony: Ten it is.
Riff: Womb to tomb!
Tony: Birth to Earth. And I'll live to regret this.
Riff: Who knows? Maybe what you've been waitin' on will be twitchin at the dance tonight.
Tony: Who knows? Could be... Who knows?

Nick Adams: Ma, the difference between you and me grows fifty miles each day.

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Richard Beymer Facts
He has played the love interest of both Natalie Wood and her sister Lana Wood in 2 separate films: Tony opposite Natalie's Maria in West Side Story (1961), and Dean opposite Lana's Karen in Scream Free! (1969) (aka Free Grass).

While in Italy filming _Barabbas(1961)_in 1961 Richard Beymer became captivated by a beautiful high school girl who had been doing extra work in the movie. The following year when he was back in California and the girl too had moved back to the United States, the two renewed communication and he encouraged her to pursue a career in film, which she did. They saw quite a lot of each other for over a year, and remained on friendly terms thereafter. The girl's name was Sharon Tate.

He hated his performance in West Side Story (1961) and left the London premiere half way through the film's screening, before he could be presented to Queen Elizabeth II.

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