Rhys Williams Overview:

Actor, Rhys Williams, was born on Dec 31, 1897 in Merionethshire, Wales. Williams died at the age of 71 on May 28, 1969 in Santa Monica, CA and was laid to rest in Forest Lawn (Hollywood Hills) Cemetery in Los Angeles, CA.



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Rhys Williams Quotes:

Redlegs: Something's fishy - and I don't mean the finny kind.

[Redlegs tries to calculate each mutineers' share of the gold they plan to steal]
Redlegs: Five million divided by two, three, four, six, seven, eight...
Hook: Stand away! Give 'im air. Can't you see he's sailin' uncharted waters!
Redlegs: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. One, two, three, four, five...
Hook: What is it, matey? Can I help you?
Redlegs: Hook, lift up my feet. I'll need my toes to mathematic this out.

Mr. Andrews: [Dining privately with Vienna in her upstairs room] Tell me, why did you pick this spot to build? How could you possibly know that the railroad was coming this way?
Vienna: Some time ago I ran into your surveyor and... we exchanged confidences. When the railroad comes through here, how much do you think this property will be worth?
Mr. Andrews: What's Albuquerque worth?
Vienna: How would you like to share in it? I'll need all the help I can get.
Mr. Andrews: I couldn't help you. I'm not very handy with a gun.
Vienna: I'm offering you an opportunity to get rich!
Mr. Andrews: An opportunity to get killed would be more accurate.

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Rhys Williams Fact
He made his film debut in How Green Was My Valley (1941), which takes place in rural Wales. The movie was actually filmed in Hollywood with a cast of English, Irish, Scottish and American actors. Originally hired solely to coach the actors in their Welsh accents, Williams, who was the only genuine Welshman on the set, was given the role of the prizefighter by director John Ford.

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