Onslow Stevens Overview:

Actor, Onslow Stevens, was born Onslow Ford Stevenson on Mar 29, 1902 in Los Angeles, CA. Stevens died at the age of 74 on Jan 5, 1977 in Van Nuys, CA .



He was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Motion Pictures.

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Onslow Stevens Quotes:

George Camrose: You have strange friends, Jack.
Jack Lestrade: I didn't say that I like him or that I trust him.
George Camrose: What's your idea of a friend?
Jack Lestrade: Any man, I suppose, who believes as I do that the human race is a horrible mistake.

Dr. Edelman: Now, Mr. Talbot... You broke your promise to me, didn't you? Told the police. I don't like people who break their promises, Mr. Talbot.

Col. Feroud: Why don't you do both? Take the money and kill me too.
Emir Hassan: You want to die? Why do you want to die?
Col. Feroud: I only want to arrange a truce. Cease fire for 24 hours, so that Syrians and Frenchmen can sit together.
Emir Hassan: And what shall we discuss, the terms of our surrender?
Col. Feroud: We can try to settle our differences according to the dignity of man.
Emir Hassan: There is dignity in men who are willing to give their lives for what they believe in.
Col. Feroud: Men needn't die to prove their dignity.
Emir Hassan: You're asking me to surrender!
Col. Feroud: I'm asking you to consider your people. An effort must be made. We must make some effort! Otherwise, we're not civilized men. Perhaps we'll fail and the war will go on, but at least we will have tried. That's all I want.
Emir Hassan: Colonel, you are a fool.
Col. Feroud: I come to talk of peace and understanding and you call me a fool?
Emir Hassan: Yes, Colonel. I respect you, but you are a dreamer and a fool.

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Onslow Stevens Facts
An avid nudist. Stevens would often try to convince his fellow cast members of the health benefits associated with naturalism.

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