Job Actress
Years active 1931-69
Known for Sniffy aristocrats; haughty society mavens (benevolent or supercilious); put-upon wives; plummy voice
Top Roles Miss Sims, Hostess at Restaurant, Gracie, Barmaid, Mother Plum, Mrs. Bland
Top GenresDrama, Comedy, Romance, Musical, Crime, Adventure
Top TopicsRomance (Comic), Book-Based, Based on Play
Top Collaborators (Director), (Producer), (Director), (Producer)
Shares birthday with Patricia Neal, George Burns, Bretaigne Windust  see more..

Norma Varden Overview:

Character actress, Norma Varden, was born on Jan 20, 1898 in London, England. Varden died at the age of 91 on Jan 19, 1989 in Santa Barbara, CA .


Norma Varden was a tall, dignified British actress, attractive in a supercilious kind of way, who began her career as a concert pianist. She became a butt for the gags of the Aldwych Theater farceurs, much as Margaret Dumont was with the Marx Brothers, and moved with them into films in 1932. She went to Hollywood in 1939 and played largely sniffy aristocrats until her retirement at 70.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Illustrated Dictionary of Film Character Actors).



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Norma Varden Quotes:

[Maria finds a frog in her pocket]
Frau Schmidt: You're lucky. With Fraulein Helga, it was a snake!

Frau Schmidt: The Von Trapp children don't play. They march.

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Norma Varden Facts
Spent later years active with the Screen Actors Guild, pushing for better medical benefits for older actors.

Norma was initially up for the role of the Mother Superior in The Sound of Music (1965), but lost out to Peggy Wood when the producers changed their minds. Somewhat of a consolation, Norma was relegated to the minor role of Frau Schmidt, the Von Trapps' housekeeper.

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