Morris Ankrum Overview:

Character actor, Morris Ankrum, was born Morris Winslow Ankrum on Aug 28, 1897 in Danville, IL. Ankrum died at the age of 67 on Sep 2, 1964 in Pasadena, CA .


Tall, small-eyed, grey-moustached, slightly stooping American actor who rarely looked happy on screen and played villains in low-budget westerns and townsfolk of one kind of another in bigger films. Originally an economics professor, he became interested in acting while teaching in California, beginning his screen career under the name Stephen Morris. Later he balanced accounts a little by playing judges and officers in 1950s films. Died from trichinosis. His son, David Ankrum, is also an actor.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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Morris Ankrum Quotes:

[viewing a hanging]
United States Marshal: That's a nice sight for anybody with a train-robbing itch.

Gen. John T. Short: Dr. Wainright, you're a scientist, you know what grasshoppers can do. I'm a soldier, I know what guns can do.

United States Marshal: Now remember, you men. If you flush him, don't try to shoot it out with him. He's quicker than a black-headed snake. Just send up a smoke signal and we'll spot it.

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Morris Ankrum Facts
For "Mant," the movie within the movie in Matinee (1993), Kevin McCarthy plays a character named "Gen. Ankrum." This was director Joe Dante's tribute to Ankrum and the roles he played in those fondly remembered sci-fi films of the 1950s.

He was a stalwart, dependable character actor whose career included supporting roles and bit parts (often uncredited) in over 150 (known) feature films. A large portion of his career involved westerns, in some of which he was cast as an Indian. He is best remembered today as one of the most familiar supporting players in low-budget science-fiction films of the 1950s (starting with Lippert's Rocketship X-M (1950)), where he was usually the military officer, police chief or doctor/scientist.

Screen and stage actor.

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