Minna Gombell Overview:

Actress, Minna Gombell, was born on May 28, 1892 in Baltimore, MD. Gombell died at the age of 80 on Apr 14, 1973 in Santa Monica, CA .



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Minna Gombell Quotes:

Else Taylor: I've worked and slaved for you and him from the day that you were born.
Sidney Taylor: Well, I didn't ask to be born.
Else Taylor: And I didn't want you.
Sidney Taylor: Oh, Mother. Don't!
Else Taylor: I didn't want a baby. I was only a kid myself. I've never had any fun. I was never in love with your father, and I hated having you.
Sidney Taylor: Stop it! Stop it! You don't know what you're saying!
Else Taylor: Oh yes I do. You and your father have never known me. I've always been a stranger to you. Go to your father. You're his, not mine. He's the one who wanted you - not me.

Sidney Taylor: Where's the bug powder, Ma?
Else Taylor: It doesn't do any good. The people upstairs have been sending the same roaches down here so many years, I'm beginning to recognize them.

Miss Greene: You get off the rug, Virginia Cunningham! Come on! Come on! Get off of there! I've told you a dozen times we do not walk on our rug.
Virginia Stuart Cunningham: Why not?
Miss Greene: Because we don't! Understand? We're the only ward that has a rug. It's new, I mean it's clean, and we mean to keep it that way.
Virginia Stuart Cunningham: Why don't you hang it on the wall?
Miss Greene: Your wisecracks might have been appreciated in other wards, but in 12 they don't go over.
Virginia Stuart Cunningham: Is this 12?
Miss Greene: And what did you think it was? One?
Virginia Stuart Cunningham: How long have I been here?
Miss Greene: Too long.

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