Michael Rennie Overview:

Actor, Michael Rennie, was born Eric Alexander Rennie on Aug 25, 1909 in Bradford, Yorkshire. Rennie died at the age of 61 on Jun 10, 1971 in Harrogate, Yorkshire and was laid to rest in Harlow Hill Cemetery in Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England.



Michael Rennie BlogHub Articles:

Michael Rennie is the visitor from space in “The Day the Earth Stood Still”

By Stephen Reginald on May 29, 2024 From Classic Movie Man

Michael Rennie is the visitor from space in “The Day the Earth Stood Still” The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) was an American science fiction film directed by Robert Wise and starring Michael Rennie, Patricia Neal, and Hugh Marlowe. The supporting cast includes Sam Jaffe, Frances... Read full article

The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) with Michael Rennie

By Greg Orypeck on Mar 9, 2014 From Classic Film Freak

Share This! ?I?m impatient with stupidity.??My people have learned to live without it.???? Klaatu (Michael Rennie) War is always with us, it seems, despite the horrors of its continuance, how little it accomplishes and that one war usually results in another.???If we do not end war,? H. G. Wells wro... Read full article

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Michael Rennie Quotes:

Klaatu: I am fearful when I see people substituting fear for reason.

Klaatu: I'm worried about Gort. I'm afraid of what he might do if anything should happen to me.
Helen: Gort? But he's a robot. Without you, what could he do?
Klaatu: There's no limit to what he could do. He could destroy the Earth.

Klaatu: [after reading the Gettysburg Address at the Lincoln Memorial] Those are great words.
Klaatu: [turns to look at the statue of Lincoln] He must have been a great man.
Bobby Benson: Well sure.
Klaatu: [walking out of the memorial, then turning to look at Lincoln again] That's the kind of man I would like to talk to.

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Michael Rennie Facts
Once married to British actress Maggie McGrath, who later went by the stage name of Maggie Rennie. They had one son, David, born 1953.

Did not begin to actively pursue acting until age 29. Living a rather wanderlust life prior to this, he was once a car salesman, but quit after a year when he couldn't sell even one car. Was also a manager of a rope factory for his uncle.

Lived his final years in Geneva, Switzerland and died at his mother's home in England while visiting because of his brother's death.

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