Michael Balfour Overview:

Character actor, Michael Balfour, was born on Feb 11, 1918 in Kent, England. Balfour died at the age of 79 on Oct 24, 1997 in Surrey, England .


American-born actor with dark, fluffy hair. Balfour came to a career in British films after varied experience in circuses, burlesque, and stock companies. Minor British crime movies kept him very busy and his stocky figure, often clad in dark shirts and light ties or bow-ties, was to be seen as minor crooks, taxi-drivers, and slow-witted sidekicks of the hero. Rarely out of the studios from 1947 to 1972, then mainly on TV. He returned to circus work in the mid 1980s, but was still occasionally seen in film 'bits.'

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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