Michael Ansara Overview:

Character actor, Michael Ansara, was born on Apr 15, 1922 in unknown, Syria. Ansara died at the age of 91 on Jul 31, 2013 in Calabasas, CA .


Back in the 1950s, American-born (of Lebanese ancestry) Ansara vied with the Australian Michael Pate as the actor most likely to be found in action pictures as Red Indians or ruthless, bearded Middle Eastern despots. Ever ready with a sword or an arrow, his handsome, olive-complexioned, rather cruel-looking features propelled him into a whole run of powerful villains, and it was no surprise when he turned up as Cochise in a TV series based on the film Broken Arrow. Married to actress Barbara Eden from 1958 to 1973; earlier married to actress Jean Byron.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



He was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Television.

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Michael Ansara Quotes:

[first lines]
Col. Diego: Where is the meeting?
Tortured Prisoner: In the church.
Col. Diego: Is Quintero with them?
Tortured Prisoner: Yes.

Judas: Why must men doubt? Tell them they must keep faith! They must keep faith!
[walking away]
Demetrius: Wait, tell who? Who are you?
Judas: My name is Judas.

[last lines]
[an oil gusher erupts from the grave Lt. Sibley was digging]
Kronk: Every time dig hole, black poison shoot up! Now have to move town.
Don Andrea Baldazar aka Baldy: [disgusted] Texas. Pah!
Sam Hollis: Eh, if it was up to me, I'd give it back to the Indians.
Iron Jacket: Who wants it?

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Michael Ansara Facts
Interviewed in Tom Weaver's book "Monsters, Mutants and Heavenly Creatures: Confessions of 14 Classic Sci-Fi Horrormeisters!" (Midnight Marquee Press, 1996).

Son, with Barbara Eden, was Matthew Ansara (d. 25 June 2001, Monrovia, California, USA).

Ex-uncle-in-law of Katherine Fugate.

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