Marcel Dalio Overview:

Character actor, Marcel Dalio, was born Israel Moshe Blauschild on Jul 17, 1900 in Paris, France. Dalio died at the age of 83 on Nov 20, 1983 in Paris, France .


Marcel Dalio was a short, dark, dapper and incisive French actor who appeared with distinction in films from many countries. He was never quite a star, even in his  native France where he started in revues and music-halls, but he was a much respected craftsman who brought all his roles, however small, briskly to life and created instantly identifiable characters.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Illustrated Dictionary of Film Character Actors).



Marcel Dalio BlogHub Articles:

Marcel Dalio: What a (French) Character!

By The Lady Eve on Dec 4, 2020 From Lady Eve's Reel Life

This is my entry for the annual What a Character! blogathon hosted by Paula at Paula's Cinema Club, Aurora of Once Upon a Screen and Kellee at Outspoken & Freckled. ~I was watching Josef von Sternberg’s flamboyantly decadent noir The Shanghai Gesture (1941) a while ago. Taking in the dense... Read full article

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Marcel Dalio Quotes:

Susan Bonnard: [Bibi returns to the dining room, adjusting lacy garters on his sleeves] Bibi, what have you got on your sleeves?
Robert 'Bibi' Bonnard: They're too long. Before he left town, Uncle Desmond gave me some garters to hold them up.
Susan Bonnard: Women's garters! Take them off! Look at them! Off some... stranger's legs!
Grandpere Bonnard: To Desmond she was not a stranger.
Susan Bonnard: Jacques!
Jacques Bonnard: Calm yourself, my love. My brother is young.
Susan Bonnard: Your son is younger.
Jacques Bonnard: And after all, there is no great harm in catching garters that are thrown from the stage of the Casino Burlesque. It's done by some of our most distinguished citizens. It's a form of sport.
Susan Bonnard: I don't want garters from the burlesque on my son's arms.
Robert 'Bibi' Bonnard: Only one is from the burlesque! The other was obtained privately!
Susan Bonnard: [shrieking, she leaves the room]
Jacques Bonnard: Now, Bibi-in the world of men, one does not talk too much. It's enough to have the garters; one does not volunteer the information where they were obtained. You will understand when you are a man.
Robert 'Bibi' Bonnard: Papa? When will I be?
Jacques Bonnard: What?
Robert 'Bibi' Bonnard: When will I be a man?
Jacques Bonnard: Soon enough.
Grandpere Bonnard: There is a law of nature, called la puberté, and it is widespread among all animals, being the awakening of a natural appetite. Life will taste better then-like a good soup! It is the seasoning that counts! But it is a hard appetite to satisfy, believe me.

Jacques Bonnard: Believe me, my love; this bird, in his song-which I understand completely-has expressed a desire to live his own life! It is a desire that must be respected.
Robert 'Bibi' Bonnard: How do you know what he wants, papa?
Susan Bonnard: Your father, it seems, understands the language of birds. The first day we met, he told me that he'd been speaking with a lark, who wished us to visit him in the woods.
Robert 'Bibi' Bonnard: This is how it happened?
Jacques Bonnard: This is how it began.
Grandpere Bonnard: [to Susan] And you-the bird's wish was granted? You went into the woods with him?
[Susan glances at Bibi, then shrugs]
Grandpere Bonnard: You cannot be all Scotch!
[to Jacques]
Grandpere Bonnard: And you are even better than I thought!

Uncle Desmond Bonnard: What's the occasion, this time?
Grandpere Bonnard: The Widow Latouche is waiting; I'm late.
Uncle Desmond Bonnard: Ho ho ho! It will unscrew your billiard table!
Uncle Louis Bonnard: Believe me, not even a young man can go out every night dancing and never sleep. Something will collapse: maybe the arteries or the veins...
Grandpere Bonnard: The one who knows of a better way to die-will he step forward?

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