Lyle Talbot Overview:

Actor, Lyle Talbot, was born Lysle Henderson on Feb 8, 1902 in Pittsburgh, PA. Talbot died at the age of 94 on Mar 2, 1996 in San Francisco, CA .



Lyle Talbot BlogHub Articles:

Birthday of the Week: Lyle Talbot (1)

By Beth Daniels on Feb 3, 2014 From Mildred's Fatburgers

Born Lisle Henderson in Pittsburgh, PA, February 8, 1902 Biography Read it. The Entertainer: Movies, Magic and My Father's Twentieth Century, By Margaret TalbotRiverhead, 2012 Beautiful Rogue Turns out I have seen a surprising number of films that star or feature Lyle Talbot. ... Read full article

Birthday of the Week: Lyle Talbot (2)

By Beth Daniels on Feb 3, 2014 From Mildred's Fatburgers

Born Lisle Henderson in Pittsburgh, PA, February 8, 1902 Biography Read it. The Entertainer: Movies, Magic and My Father's Twentieth Century, By Margaret TalbotRiverhead, 2012 Beautiful Rogue Turns out I have seen a surprising number of films that star or feature Lyle Talbot. ... Read full article

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Lyle Talbot Quotes:

Elsa Middleton: I had no logical reason for coming back. I guess it's just what Don would call... a hunch.
Rolfe Brent: But darling, I thought we'd agreed on everything.
Elsa Middleton: Maybe I'm being foolish, but I had to be sure.
Rolfe Brent: You've got to trust my judgement. I mean, the situation would be easier and simpler if it weren't for Molly.
Elsa Middleton: Don't say that!
Rolfe Brent: But we've got our own lives to live. If it weren't for Molly, I know we could be happy together.

Eddie 'Ed' Fields: Say, when a guy like him marries a doll like you, I'll kiss your... foot... in Macy's window at high noon.

Michael Loftus: [to Vivian] I can tell you're a real woman, not one of those stuffed brassieres you see on Park Avenue. You've got all the works that make a woman want to go, and live, and love.

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Lyle Talbot Facts
During a busy stretch of work in movie serials and live television in the early-1950s, he lived at the Highland Towers Apartments at 1922 N. Highland Avenue, Hollywood, CA. The building is a registered landmark today. From 1955-1989 Talbot and his family lived at 3942 Goodland Avenue in Studio City, CA. where he was the town's "honorary mayor" in the 1960s.

Was working on his memoirs when he died in 1996 at the age of 94.

He was the last of the surviving original members of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG). He was also the first Warner Brothers contract player to join SAG.

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