Lyle Bettger Overview:

Character actor, Lyle Bettger, was born on Feb 13, 1915 in Philadelphia, PA. Bettger died at the age of 88 on Sep 24, 2003 in Atascadero, CA .


Fair-haired actor whose slightly sinister charm won him some good post-war roles on Broadway. On moving into films in 1950, his crooked smile, shifty eyes and husky voice qualified him for a whole range of treacherous villains. In the fifties he went into TV, and sixties film roles proved to be only pale echoes of his meatier parts at Paramount and Universal.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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Lyle Bettger Quotes:

Lorna Murchison: You will let my father go, won't you?
Joe Beacom: [Flippantly] Why should I hurt the old boy or you, Cookie? I don't bit the hand that feeds me a hundred grand.

Joe Beacom: [Sadistically to Lorna about the high tension cables that are all around her] All you gotta do, Cookie, is get up and take a walk. You'll fry so fast it'll curl your hair.

Phil Decker: The only law I believe in is the law of self-preservation.

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Lyle Bettger Facts
In 1974, he moved to Paia, on the island of Maui, and retired from acting six years later.

Attended The Haverford School, a standout in the Dramatics Club at this prestigious main line Pennsylvania prep school with classmate Bill Haskell, dad of L.A. actor-narrator Christopher. Graduated from the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in 1937.

He had three children: Lyle Jr., Frank and Paula.

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