Leonard Mudie Overview:

Character actor, Leonard Mudie, was born Leonard Mudie Cheetham on Apr 11, 1883 in Cheetham, Manchester. Mudie died at the age of 82 on Apr 14, 1965 in Hollywood, CA .



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Leonard Mudie Quotes:

Footman: [watching Alfred going into the 'Franco-Americain Restaurant'] *Look* where he's going! Why, *I* wouldn't even eat in there.
Chauffeur: He'll get poisoned!
Footman: Yes. And they serve it in such small portions.

Town Crier: (announcing capture of Richard) News has come from Vienna: "Leopold of Austria has seized King Richard on his return from the Crusades. Our king is being held prisoner. Nothing further is known. His Highness Prince John will make further public pronouncement tomorrow."

Howard Denker: It's hungry! It has to be fed constantly - or it will reach out its magnetic arm and grab at anything within its reach and kill it. It's monstrous, Stewart, monstrous. It grows bigger and bigger!

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Leonard Mudie Fact
At 82, he was the oldest actor to ever appear in "Star Trek" (1966). He played an illusory survivor of the S.S. Columbia in the first pilot "The Cage".

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