John McIntire Overview:

Character actor, John McIntire, was born John Herrick McIntire on Jun 27, 1907 in Spokane, WA. McIntire died at the age of 83 on Jan 30, 1991 in Pasadena, CA .


John McIntire was a dark-haired American actor with tightly concentrated features -- a taller, thinner-faced version of Barry Fitzgerald. He looked as if he ought to be wearing rimless spectacles even when he wasn't, and could play wily villains and caring professional men with equal facility (1947, Call Northside 777; 1950, The Asphalt Jungle; 1960, Elmer Gantry). McIntire often didn't get the billing he deserved during his 1950's stay in Hollywood and was largely lost to long-running western series on TV after 1961. He was married to actress Jeanette Nolan from 1935 until his death in 1991. Actor Tim McIntire is their son. 

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Illustrated Dictionary of Film Character Actors).



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John McIntire Quotes:

Police Commissioner Hardy: In some ways, he's the most dangerous of them all. A hardened killer. A hooligan. A man without human feeling or human mercy.

Zack Wakefield: Just keep your powder dry. Our time to shoot will come.

[first lines]
Lt. Col. Beck: Do you think he means it this time?
Al Sieber: We'll see.

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John McIntire Facts
Father, with actress Jeanette Nolan, of actors Tim McIntire and Holly McIntire.

Met and married Jeanette Nolan in 1935 while appearing together on radio. They went on to play roles on film and TV usually older than they were.

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