John Marley Overview:

Actor, John Marley, was born on Oct 17, 1907 in New York City, NY. Marley died at the age of 76 on May 22, 1984 in Los Angeles County, CA .



Although Marley was nominated for one Oscar, he never won a competitive Academy Award.

Academy Awards

YearAwardFilm nameRoleResult
1970Best Supporting ActorLove Story (1970)Phil CavilleriNominated

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John Marley Quotes:

Richard Forst: I think we were all created evil! Then some... or some wise guy, some, uh, a leftwinger, or a, a union organizer comes along and tells us that we were all created good, we were all created in His image.

Richard Forst: You're not fat.
Jeannie: What?
Richard Forst: You're voluptuous.

Maria Forst: There's a Bergman film in the neighborhood.
Richard Forst: I don't feel like getting depressed tonight.

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John Marley Facts
During rehearsals for John's notorious horse head bedroom scene in The Godfather (1972) a fake horse's head was used. For the actual day of shooting, however, a freshly severed horse's head was used from a slaughterhouse in New Jersey. The blood, however, was not real.

Reprised his role as Jack Woltz for a lengthy Godfather parody by "SCTV" (1976) in 1981. Here he plays Leonard Bernstein (whom he closely resembled), who refuses to give Johnny Pavorotti (John Candy) the lead role in the "new war opera".

Married twice and the father of four -- three children, Peter Marley, Julia Marley and Ben Marley, from his first marriage; one child, Alexis Marley, from his second.

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