John Hodiak Overview:

Actor, John Hodiak, was born on Apr 16, 1914 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Hodiak died at the age of 41 on Oct 19, 1955 in Hollywood, CA .



He was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Radio.

John Hodiak BlogHub Articles:

Somewhere in the Night (1946): John Hodiak and Amnesia Noir

By 4 Star Film Fan on Nov 19, 2019 From 4 Star Films

Of the plethora of returning G.I. films and film noirs, this one reflects their fears most overtly and for this very reason, it might be generally the most forgotten today. That and the assembly of a lower-tier cast. Most of these names have been lost to time. The one name remaining fairly enduring ... Read full article

Lucky Star: John Hodiak

By shadowsandsatin on Dec 14, 2011 From Shadows and Satin

According to John Hodiak, his film career was sheer luck.??I?ve always been a firm believer in the Fates,? he once said. But luck was not on his side when Hodiak, hailed near the start of his career as ?another Gable,? went from leading man to supporting player in a matter of years and, later, was f... Read full article

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John Hodiak Quotes:

[Standing next to a B-17 starting up]
Col. Edward Rayton Martin: Well... see you later.
[Col. Martin runs to get aboard the bomber]
Col. Edward Rayton Martin: Keep your temper with the big wheels!
Brig. Gen. K.C. 'Casey' Dennis: What?
Col. Edward Rayton Martin: I said; keep your temper with the big wheels! I don't want to get back and find you with a Legion of Merit and a ticket home!

John Kovac: [after the young German sailor pulls a gun] The baby has a toy!

Gus Smith: A guy can't help being a German if he's born a German, can he?
John Kovac: [referring to Willie] Neither can a snake help being a rattlesnake if he's born a rattlesnake! That don't make him a nightingale! Get him out of here!

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John Hodiak Facts
He died while shaving at his parents house as he got ready to go to the studio to film On the Threshold of Space (1956).

Buried at Calvary Cemetery in Los Angeles, California in the main mausoleum. Block 303 Crypt D-1.

Born at 4:30pm-EST

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