John Doucette Overview:

Character actor, John Doucette, was born on Jan 21, 1921 in Brockton, MA. Doucette died at the age of 73 on Aug 16, 1994 in Banning, CA and was laid to rest in Holy Cross Cemetery in Culver City, CA.


American supporting actor usually to be found in minor but well-drawn roles in westerns, as lawmen in the pay of the town boss, or shadowy figures who never quite met your gaze. Reliability was not a notable asset of this actor's characters, only of his performances in scores of films throughout the 1950s, after which, with the demise of the co-feature, his movie output rapidly dwindled. In more recent times, he lectured on communicating arts, as well as forming a company to promote educational records. Had eight children. Died from cancer.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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John Doucette Quotes:

Mattie Ross: Who's the best marshal they have?
Sheriff: Bill Waters is the best tracker. The meanest one is Rooster Cogburn, a pitiless man, double tough, fear don't enter into his thinking. I'd have to say L.T. Quinn is the straightest, he brings his prisoners in alive.
Mattie Ross: Where would I find this Rooster?
Sheriff: He'll be at the federal court this afternoon, he's bringing in a load of prisoners from the territories.

Rick Largo: You shot nothing but holes in the sky!

Crowley: [to Diana about John] Whatever he's looking for he won't find it in Rio.

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John Doucette Fact
Was survived by five daughters, three sons, a brother, a sister, sixteen grandchildren and three great-grandchildren!

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