John Agar Overview:

Actor, John Agar, was born John George Agar on Jan 31, 1921 in Chicago, IL. Agar died at the age of 81 on Apr 7, 2002 in Burbank, CA .



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John Agar Quotes:

Dr. Roger Bentley: Judd, come here. Take a look at this.
Dr. Jud Bellamin: Claw marks! Maybe a hand - -four cuts.
Dr. Roger Bentley: Some hand. Whoever it was needs a manicure.

Dinah Sheldon: If you'll kindly consent to read this you'll notice it's about an art competition. There are three prizes of fifty dollars. I intend to win one of those prizes painting a portrait of you as a spirit of labor.
Tom Wade: Are you bats?

Dr. Curt Taylor: Keith Ritchie came to realize, at the cost of his own life, that Man is the greatest creature in the Universe. He learned that a measure of perfection can only be slowly attained, from within ourselves. He sought a different path, and found death... fire... disillusionment... loss. War, misery and strife have always been with us, and we shall always strive to overcome them. But the answer is to be found from within, not from without. It must come from learning; it must come from the very heart of Man himself.

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John Agar Facts
The claim that he had done a "pink film" in Denmark was a gag. He starred in Journey to the Seventh Planet (1962), which was shot in Denmark, by writer/producer/director Sidney W. Pink.

He has an entry in Jean Tulard's "Dictionnaire du cinéma/Les acteurs" published in Paris in 2007 by RobertLaffont/Bouquins (page 14).

His marriage to actress Shirley Temple started his film career in the 1940s.

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