Joanne Dru Overview:

Actress, Joanne Dru, was born Joanne Letitia LaCock on Jan 31, 1922 in Logan, WV. Dru died at the age of 74 on Sep 10, 1996 in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles and was cremated and her ashes scattered at sea.



She was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Television.

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Joanne Dru Quotes:

Travis Blue: Sure hope that I see you again, Miss Denver.
Denver: Thanks, but don't plan on it, We move around. The medicine show has to, to stay healthy.
Travis Blue: We move around alot trading horses. Good thing about it, though, you get to see a lot of pretty country, like the valley I got in mind. A man can make an awfully nice little cattle ranch in that valley. If he doesn't mind being lonesome.
Denver: [pauses] Good luck, fellow.
[She runs away, blinded by tears]

Travis Blue: Sure hope I see you again, Miss Denver.
Denver: Thanks, but don't think on it. We move around. The medice will show you have to to keep healthy.
Travis Blue: We move around alot trading horses. Good thing about it, though: You get see alot of pretty country, like the valley I've got in mind. A man can make an awfully nice little cattle ranch in that valley, if he didn't mind being lonesome, and some one to help him with the cooking and such...
Denver: [pauses] Goodbye, fellow.
[She runs away, blinded by tears]

Tess Millay: Whoever would have thought that you two could have killed each other.

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Joanne Dru Facts
Older sister of entertainer Peter Marshall. See also Tommy Noonan.

Aunt of professional baseball player Pete LaCock and Suzanne LaCock.

In Italy, most of her films were dubbed by Dhia Cristiani. She was occasionally dubbed by Rina Morelli, like in My Pal Gus (1952) and Thunder Bay (1953); and once by Clelia Bernacchi in Wagon Master (1950).

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