Joan Leslie Overview:

Legendary actress, Joan Leslie, was born Joan Agnes Theresa Sadie Brodel on Jan 26, 1925 in Detroit, MI. Leslie died at the age of 90 on Oct 12, 2015 in Los Angeles, CA .


Pretty, refreshing, auburn-haired American actress, in films as a girl and adult roles at 16. Although many others, like Joan, were cast as girls next door, she had gentle, radiant beauty - and the spark of personality, offering lively performances until she made the mistake of breaking away from her studio, Warners. Left films to devote more time to her family, and became a successful dress designer.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Stars).



She was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Television. Leslie was never nominated for an Academy Award.

Joan Leslie BlogHub Articles:

Joan Leslie 1925 – 2015

By Marisa on Oct 20, 2015 From The Timothy Carey Experience

We learned last week of the passing of lovely star Joan Leslie at the age of 90. Timothy was lucky enough to share the screen with her (and Sterling Hayden), however briefly, in one of his earliest film appearances. That film was Hellgate (1952), the entertaining Western prison drama written and dir... Read full article

Joan Leslie (1925-2015)

By 4 Star Film Fan on Oct 16, 2015 From 4 Star Films

For Classic Film Aficionados most of our favorite stars have passed on and that makes any star or starlet we lose now that much more noteworthy. Joan Leslie is such a figure, not a major star by any means, but she certainly had some great films in her catalog. Without knowing who she was and barely ... Read full article

Joan Leslie (1925-2015)

By 4 Star Film Fan on Oct 16, 2015 From 4 Star Films

For Classic Film Aficionados most of our favorite stars have passed on and that makes any star or starlet we lose now that much more noteworthy. Joan Leslie is such a figure, not a major star by any means, but she certainly had some great films in her catalog. Without knowing who she was and barely ... Read full article

“A Colorful Life”: Remembering Joan Leslie

on Oct 15, 2015 From Comet Over Hollywood

Actress Joan Leslie in the 1940s With her shining smile, bright eyes and fresh face, actress Joan Leslie had an innocent girl-next-door appeal. But during her career at Warner Brothers during the 1940s, Joan Leslie held her own in top films with major actors such as Ida Lupino, Humphrey Bogart and J... Read full article

Repeat Performance (1947) with Louis Hayward and Joan Leslie

By Orson De Welles on May 7, 2015 From Classic Film Freak

Share This! Time Stopped in Its Tracks….When She Pulled the Trigger! Released by Eagle-Lion Films, a short lived studio of the late 1940s, Repeat Performance is among their first films. Though there are those that would object to labeling Eagle-Lion a Poverty Row studio (which according to the... Read full article

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Joan Leslie Quotes:

Katherine 'Katie' Blaine: [Looking in the mirror at her new, very sexy dress] Boy, if I showed up in Greenhill wearing this, they'd call out the fire department!

Judy Jones: So there's 10 million dollars involved. That's why I hitched my wagon to Sierra Tech, to coin a paraphrase.

Gracie Williams: Folks say you're no good, 'ceptin' for fighting and hell-raising.

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Joan Leslie Facts
Mentioned in The Andrews Sisters' song "Corns for My Country": "We're not petite like Joan Leslie".

Performed under her real name, debuting in Camille (1936), until adopting "Joan Leslie" for High Sierra (1941).

Her sister, Mary Brodel, had a short career in the 1940s, as did her other sister, Betty Brodel.

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