Jim Hutton Overview:

Actor, Jim Hutton, was born Dana James Hutton on May 31, 1934 in Binghamton, NY. Hutton died at the age of 45 on Jun 2, 1979 in Los Angeles, CA .



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Jim Hutton Quotes:

Lt. Fergie Howard: Jason are you a wealthy man?
Jason Eldridge: I'm a scientist, all scientists are poor, it's the law.

Police Captain: [over police radio] Car 19... Student in pajamas directing traffic.
Tuggle Carpenter: [points to TV's radio] What's that?
TV Thompson: Police calls! I like to keep track of my friends.

TV Thompson: That act you do in the tank. Stupendous routine you've got there, stupendous!
Lola Fandango: Thank you. It's all a matter of breath control, you have to learn to control your lungs.
TV Thompson: [looking at her chest] What lungs!

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Jim Hutton Facts
The father of the actor Timothy Hutton.

Started acting while serving with the U.S. Army in Germany. Founder and actor/director of the first English-speaking theatre in Berlin.

During the early 1960s, he was seen as a new James Stewart ("Jimmy Stewart"). Very tall, gangly, and with a certain absent-minded lilt to his readings of the lines, Hutton seemed to have the abilities to take up where Stewart had left off, in comedy.

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