Jesse White Overview:

Actor, Jesse White, was born Jesse Marc Weidenfeld on Jan 3, 1917 in Buffalo, NY. White died at the age of 80 on Jan 9, 1997 in Los Angeles, CA .



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Jesse White Quotes:

Emory Wages: Well, I'll be a middle-aged mongoloid from Memphis.

Georgie Markham: Don't worry, I'll bring him back dead or alive. Either way, he ought to look great.

Tower Controller at Rancho Conejo: In another couple of minutes, we'll have them in position, Colonel.
Col. Wilberforce: In another couple of minutes, men, we'll have you in position.
Tower Controller at Rancho Conejo: [Sarcastically] You're doing a great job, Colonel.
Col. Wilberforce: Thank you.
Radio tower operator at Rancho Conejo: Why don't we just shoot them down and be through with it?

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Jesse White Facts
Known for playing the sanitarium orderly Wilson in the story "Harvey" about the invisible rabbit on the stage in New York, in the movie with James Stewart and in the 1972 television production, also with Stewart.

Father of two daughters: TV actress Carole Ita White of "Laverne & Shirley" (1976) fame and Janet Jonas.

White was not the original Maytag repairman of TV adverts. The role was first played by the actor Tom Pedi.

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