Jeanne De Casalis Overview:

Character actress, Jeanne De Casalis, was born De Casalis de Pury on May 22, 1897 in Basutoland, South Africa. De Casalis died at the age of 69 on Aug 19, 1966 in London, UK .


Jeanne De Casalis was a dark, twittery, pencil-slim, Basutoland-born entertainer in British show business. She began as a straight dramatic actress, but developed into a top music-hall and radio character, and continued to make eccentric appearances in British films until 1949. She was married to actor Colin Clive (first of two husbands) from 1929 to his death in 1937 (although estranged for several years before his death).

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Illustrated Dictionary of Film Character Actors).



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Jeanne De Casalis Quotes:

Mrs. Barrington: I can do no better than to quote the words of our great Prime Minister to the gallant boys of the RFA: Never have so much owed so many to so little.

Mrs. Barrington: I declare this fete well and truly laid.

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Jeanne De Casalis Fact
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