Janis Carter Overview:

Actress, Janis Carter, was born Janis Dremann on Oct 10, 1913 in Cleveland, OH. Carter died at the age of 80 on Jul 30, 1994 in Durham, NC .



Janis Carter BlogHub Articles:

Framed (1947): Janis Carter and Glenn Ford

By 4 Star Film Fan on Nov 4, 2021 From 4 Star Films

The opening scene of Framed is glorious. It’s the epitome of why these old B pictures have some much to offer audiences often bloated on cinematic glut. A runaway truck careens down a mountain road as the driver sweats it out trying to punch the breaks uselessly. Entering a busy town, he’... Read full article

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Janis Carter Quotes:

Dick Richmond: Oh, we're just trying to make ends meet, down at the office.
Peggy Donato: ...and succeeding, no doubt.

Hood: [answering the phone] It's Dick. Are you in?
Peggy Donato: I'm always in for Dick.

[Dick and Peggy are about to have a drink. Ellen enters, dressed in a trenchcoat and fedora, with an unlit cigarette dangling from her lip, acting the part of the tough moll. She is followed by her "gang," similarly garbed, consisting of her father, Ralph, and another man]
Ellen Grant: [to her "boys"] Gimp! Louie! Fingers!
[to Peggy]
Ellen Grant: Musclin' in on my organization, huh? Hijackin' my key man. You're in a jam, sister!
Dick Richmond: Listen, Ellen, I made a deal.
Ellen Grant: [slaps him twice, knocking him over] Shut up, ya rat! So ya tried to shake me for this tahmata, huh?
Peggy Donato: [to Dick, angry and upset] What is this? You said she was only a front!
Ellen Grant: Just a front? So that's the pitch!
Dick Richmond: [getting up off the floor] Please, Ellen, you'll only get hurt if they...
[Ellen slaps him across the face hard several times]
Ellen Grant: [menacingly] Are you tryin' to threaten me?
[to Peggy]
Ellen Grant: Look sister, you're leavin' here without this lug, or ya ain't leavin' at all.
[shoves her onto the sofa]
Ellen Grant: Now what's it gonna be?
Peggy Donato: I paid fifty grand for him!
Ellen Grant: OK, boys, reason with 'er!
[they start toward Peggy]
Peggy Donato: Wait a minute; that stuff went out years ago.
Ellen Grant: Well I'm bringin' it back!
Dick Richmond: Ellen, for heaven's sake...
[she slaps him with the back of her hand, knocking him to the floor again]
Ellen Grant: OK, boys, what're we waitin' for?
Peggy Donato: No, no don't shoot. That's not the way to settle things. We'll have every cop in town after us.
[Peggy's boys file in silently behind Ellen]
Peggy Donato: After all, he's not the only key man in the business, there are lots of good operators.
Ellen Grant: I thought you'd come around. They always do when the chips are down.
Dick Richmond: [watching Peggy's boys approach] Ellen, you haven't got any chips.
[she slaps him again]
Ellen Grant: I'll get to you later.
[to Peggy]
Ellen Grant: And if you ever try to cross me again, you're gonna wind up with a lead girdle! Light me up, Gimp!
[All four of

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