James Fox Overview:

Actor, James Fox, was born William Fox on May 19, 1939 in London, England. As of December 2023, James Fox was 84 years old.



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James Fox Quotes:

Tony: Do you want to go there?
Susan: Where?
Tony: The jungle.
Susan: No. Not now.
Tony: Not now.
[kisses her]

Jimmy Smith: [as he's being dragged away by Miss Flannery] It seems I'm leaving now. Goodbye, Millie.

[looking at one of the gargoyles on the building he's climbing]
Jimmy Smith: Why, Judith Tremaine! Fancy meeting you here!

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James Fox Facts
Middle brother of Edward Fox and Robert Fox.

His Patriot Games (1992) cast mate, Richard Harris, was also his niece's former father-in-law.

He replaced actor John Woods in the Old Vic's early 2006 production of the Arthur Miller play "Resurrection Blues", which was directed by Robert Altman in his London theatrical debut, one month before previews began. The play was widely panned by critics, partly due to the divergent acting styles of the eclectic cast assembled by Robert Altman, which included the Swiss actor Maximilian Schell as Fox's character's cousin.

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