J. Edward Bromberg Overview:

Character actor, J. Edward Bromberg, was born on Dec 25, 1903 in Temesv?r, Austria-Hungary. Bromberg died at the age of 47 on Dec 6, 1951 in London, England .


Bespectacled Hungarian-born actor, in America from childhood. Prematurely-greying hair saw him cast in character roles from his 1936 debut, often as doctors and professors, but in a generally satisfying variety of types. His services were less in demand in the post-war years and he was in London when he collapsed and died "of natural causes" just days short of his 48th birthday.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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J. Edward Bromberg Quotes:

Harry [townsman bit]: How are ya, doctor?
Prof. Harry Brewster: Hi, Harry.
Frank Stanley: Hey, Charlie!
Charlie, station agent: Hello Dr. Brewster, Mr. Stanley.
Frank Stanley: How are ya. Say, uh, those all the passengers you have?
Charlie, station agent: Just the four.
Prof. Harry Brewster: You didn't put anyone off at the wrong station, did you? We're here to meet a friend of the Caldwells, a Count Alucard.
Charlie, station agent: There was no Count on this train. All customers. Say - there was a lot of stuff in the baggage car that might belong to your Count.
Prof. Harry Brewster: Thanks, we'll take a look at it.
Train Conductor Voice: [offscreen] All aboard.
Frank Stanley: [looking at a pushcart piled with trunks and cases] Well, does this look as though he's come to stay for just a couple of weeks?
Prof. Harry Brewster: No, it doesn't. I wonder what's become of him?
Frank Stanley: Probably coming by car. Don't worry, he'll show up.
Prof. Harry Brewster: [The Doctor moves close to the luggage, studies the name on a crest on a box which has been stacked sideways] D - R - A - C ...
Frank Stanley: What are you mumbling about?
Prof. Harry Brewster: Nothing, nothing. Just a silly idea hit me. Well, if there's no Alucard, there's no need of our staying around here. I've got to get back to the office.
[He leaves scene as Frank now looks at the sideways crest. Fade to black]

Captain McCracken: I owe you a vote of thanks for helping us expose Fletcher. That psychic abracadabra of yours is quite a thing.
Julian Julian: My dear fellow, the word abracadabra is anathema to the true believer in the occult.

Julian Julian: Do you think your wife committed suicide?
Wayne Fletcher: I don't... really know what to think.
Julian Julian: Your wife was murdered, Mr. Fletcher. I instructed her to rest before coming to my studio for tonight's experiment... and then... I seemed to receive a message from her... I knew she had come to harm. I;m sure she was trying to contact me... from the other side.

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J. Edward Bromberg Fact
Bromberg, a veteran character actor, fell victim to the Hollywood "blacklist" in 1950 which forced him to seek work in Britain. It is believed that the stress caused his early death.

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