Ivor Barnard Overview:

Character actor, Ivor Barnard, was born on Jun 13, 1887 in London, England. Barnard died at the age of 66 on Jun 30, 1953 in London, England .


Slightly built, dark-haired British actor with features that could turn furtive, frightened, or plain mean. Ideally cast as Wemmick in Great Expectations, he was involved in many of the best British films of the 1938-48 period. Just before his death, John Huston used him as one of his cargo of grotesques - a worthy companion for Peter Lorre and Robert Morley - in Beat the Devil.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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Ivor Barnard Facts
Father-in-law of Hugh Munro.

Thin, ferrety-faced character actor who excelled at playing twitchy, nervous little men or underhanded, sneaky types. At his best, playing Wemmick in 'Great Expectations' (1946) and the unpleasant Major Ross in John Huston's 'Beat the Devil'(1953).

Grandfather of David Munro and Tim Munro.

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