Irene Rich Overview:

Actress, Irene Rich, was born Irene Luther on Oct 13, 1891 in Buffalo, NY. Rich died at the age of 96 on Apr 22, 1988 in Hope Ranch, CA and was cremated and her ashes scattered in Calvalry Cemetery Los Angeles CA.



She was honored with two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the categories of Radio and Motion Pictures.

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Irene Rich Quotes:

[Dr. Mangrum and Mrs. Worth are discussing the recuperating Quirt Evans]
Dr. Mangrum: Once, when I was studying medicine in Europe, I had a friend - an artist. He drew portraits of people and made them resemble the animals they reminded him of. He'd have drawn this man as a coiled cobra.
Mrs. Worth: Ho ho ho, Doctor, you're analogy is terribly imperfect and your naturalism faulty. Cobras don't coil.

[Quirt has awakened after two days recovery]
Mrs. Worth: Oh, if he's hungry he's going to be alright.
Quirt Evans: Thanks a lot for housing me.
Mrs. Worth: You're welcome. Smoked sausage and eggs?
Quirt Evans: Sounds great.
Mrs. Worth: Two eggs... or would you like three?
Quirt Evans: I'd like six!
Mrs. Worth: [laughs] You shall have them.

[Carson's preparing to leave the Worth farm, with two baskets of food]
Frederick Carson: I just get a gnawin' hankerin' after good pies and truck like that.
Mrs. Worth: Oh, Freddy Carson!
Mrs. Worth: Yes'm.
Mrs. Worth: I want you to have some of these.
[puts some rolls in one of the baskets]
Mrs. Worth: They're awful good with coffee in the mornin'.
Frederick Carson: Makes me wanna go home and shoot my Chinee cook.
Mrs. Worth: You just come back for more any time you like; there're always plenty.

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Irene Rich Facts
Mother of actress Frances Rich.

Children: Frances (c. 1910) and Jane (c. 1916)

She was awarded 2 Stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for Radio at 6150 Hollywood Boulevard and for Motion Pictures at 6225 Hollywood Boulevard in Hollywood, California.

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