Ina Balin Overview:

Actress, Ina Balin, was born Ina Rosenberg on Nov 12, 1937 in a Rosenberg November 12, 1937 in Brooklyn. Balin died at the age of 52 on Jun 20, 1990 in New Haven, CT .



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Ina Balin Quotes:

Claudina, Otilia's Servant: Why are only the poor so devoted to God?
Otilia Ruiz: Someone had to pay attention to God. The rich are too busy.

Paul Regret: Am I to believe that you weighed and appraised and then selected me out of all the men on this boat?
Pilar Graile: Do not be too conceited. It's not a very large boat.

Pilar Graile: Take care of yourself, Big Jake. We've sort of gotten used to you.

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Ina Balin Facts
Ina was about 15 years old when she was hired to play the Virgin Mary in Perry Como's nativity scene on his Christmas TV show, which she did for a couple of years.

Her father, Sam Rosenberg, was once a song-and-dance performer who worked the Borscht Belt with Danny Kaye. Sam's parents were prominent furriers and threatened to cut him off if he didn't leave show business. He left and was became very successful in the fur business in his own right.

Ina lost two big roles to Natalie Wood in her early career. She lost the title role in Marjorie Morningstar (1958) and was tested for and seriously considered for the part of Maria in West Side Story (1961).

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