Howard Da Silva Overview:

Character actor, Howard Da Silva, was born Howard Silverblatt on May 4, 1909 in Cleveland, OH. Da Silva died at the age of 76 on Feb 16, 1986 in Ossining, NY and was cremated and his ashes give to family or friend.


A surly-looking, Broadway-trained American actor, Howard Da Silva was a very useful off-centre villain whose career was stopped in its tracks by the McCarthy Blacklist. He was fired from the film, Slaughter Trail (1951), on which he was working, and spent 11 years in the wilderness. Unsurprisingly, his film career failed to recover, although he made sporadic returns to movies mainly in biting cameo roles, since 1962.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Illustrated Dictionary of Film Character Actors).



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Howard Da Silva Quotes:

J.B. Murray, City Editor: Stand by the news, and the news will stand by you!

Jack Bearnes: How do I know you won't double-cross me?
Owen Parkson: You don't. It's dealer's choice and I'm the dealer.

Warden of work camp: Two years hard labor! That's the only kind we got here.

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Howard Da Silva Facts
Twenty-five years after playing Wilson in The Great Gatsby (1949), he played the role of Meyer Wolfshein in The Great Gatsby (1974) .

Was nominated for Broadway's 1960 Tony Award as best supporting or featured actor in a musical for "Fiorello!".

Was the star of the historic Unit 891 production of Marc Blitzstein's "Camera Three: The Cradle Will Rock (#10.13)" (1964).

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