Job Actor
Years active 1915-1945
Known for Harassed, excitable, voluble foreigners
Top Roles Barber, Mascetto, , Bartender, Barber
Top GenresComedy, Drama, Romance, Musical, Crime, Film Adaptation
Top TopicsBook-Based, Pre-Code Cinema, Romance (Drama)
Top Collaborators (Producer), (Director), (Director), (Director)
Shares birthday with Eva Marie Saint, William Farnum, George Murphy  see more..

Henry Armetta Overview:

Character actor, Henry Armetta, was born on Jul 4, 1888 in Palermo, Italy. Armetta died at the age of 57 on Oct 21, 1945 in San Diego, CA .


Short, stocky and mustachioed, Henry Armetta, was an Italian-born Hollywood actor who cornered the market in harassed, excitable, voluble foreigners, from the beginnings of the sound era. His early death from a heart attack robbed him of the well-deserved opportunity of carrying a film-filled career through to the end of the studio era. He stowed away on a ship to come to America in 1902.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Illustrated Dictionary of Film Character Actors).



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Henry Armetta Quotes:

Barbara Barry: It's Tony the organ grinder! And his monkey! I know who you are, you're Tony.
Tony: Dat's a-right. Antonio's my middle name.
Barbara Barry: I'm on a vacation. Do you want to come along?
Tony: You a very nice-a little bambina. You go home-a to your mama, eh?
Barbara Barry: I have no mama.
Tony: Oh, dat's-a too bad. Den go home-a to your papa. Hey, what's your name-a?
Barbara Barry: Betsy Weir. I used to live in an orphanage, but they were mean to me, awfully mean, and now I'm on a vacation to see new faces. Your face doesn't look very new.
Tony: Well, it's a-good enough for me.

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Henry Armetta Facts
Buried in Holy Cross Cemetery.

Also appeared in Universal Shorts (1932-34).

Screen, stage, and television actor.

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