Job Actor *(1930-1979), Artist (1979-1990)
Years active 1930-1979
Top Roles Naval Lt. Perkins, Army Corporal on Leave, Deputy at Gunsight, Sergeant, Harry, Radio Broadcaster
Top GenresDrama, Western, Action, Crime, Comedy, Romance
Top TopicsSpies, World War II, Book-Based
Top Collaborators (Producer), , , (Producer)
Shares birthday with Charles Coburn, Louis Jourdan, Mildred Natwick  see more..

Harry Lauter Overview:

Character actor, Harry Lauter, was born Herman Arthur Lauter on Jun 19, 1914 in White Plains, NY. Lauter died at the age of 76 on Oct 30, 1990 in Ojai, CA .


Tall, fair-haired, blue-eyed American actor who played villains in serials, westerns, and all kinds of low-budget adventure films, and had the height and looks to appear genuinely threatening. He actually got to play heroes in three mid-1950s serials, but the genre was a dying breed, and he returned to secondary bad guys in minor movies and very small roles in major ones. Took an early retirement from villainy in the early 1970s to concentrate on running an art and antique gallery, and on his own secondary career as a painter. Died from heart failure.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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Harry Lauter Quotes:

Sally Latttimore: It's not right to kill, Ben. No matter what the provocation, it's just not right.
Ben Lattimore: Sally, this is Arizona Territory, not a Quaker meeting house.

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