Job Actor
Years active 1935-1982
Shares birthday with Freddie Bartholomew, Pandro S. Berman, Flora Robson  see more..


Character actor, Gr?goire Aslan, was born Krikor Aslanian on Mar 28, 1908 in unknown, Switzerland. Aslan died at the age of 73 on Jan 8, 1982 in Cornwall, England .


Born in Istanbul, Aslan began his career at 18 as a vocalist and drummer with a dance band in Paris. He also did vaudeville and cabaret work and a stint as a comedian before beginning to turn to acting. In post-war years, his thick Gallic accent and double-takes became a familiar part of the film scene in British studios and he tackled both comic and dramatic roles. Billed as Coco Aslan throughout the earlier part of his career, a nickname he gradually discarded after the 1950s. Died from a heart attack.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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