Grady Sutton Overview:

Actor, Grady Sutton, was born Grady Harwell Sutton on Apr 5, 1906 in Chattanooga, TN. Sutton died at the age of 89 on Sep 17, 1995 in Woodland Hills, CA .



Grady Sutton BlogHub Articles:

What a Character: Grady Sutton

By Jnpickens on Sep 24, 2012 From Comet Over Hollywood

Grady Sutton, character actor playing anything from a soda jerk to a party guest. You may recognize him by his southern drawl or pudgy exterior but never have know his name. In over 200 films and television shows from 1925 to 1979, character actor Grady Sutton can be found acting in scenes with top ... Read full article

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Grady Sutton Quotes:

Archie: Hawwwwwt potatoes!

Estelle Penfield: [assessing all the food Stanley is wheeling on a cart to bring to the guests Mr. & Mrs. Dabney] Stanley! For us?
Stanley Potter: Mrs. Penfield! They're for our guests, Mr. and Mrs. Dabney. They put money in this place. Naturally we cant put them on a diet.
Mrs. Dabney: Down the hatch!
Stanley Potter: Hello, Mr. Dabney, sir!
Mr. Dabney: [as Stanley starts serving the couple their 2 cornish hens] There he is! End of the line, boy. Put them right here.
Mrs. Dabney: Don't they look wonderful?
Mr. Dabney: Oh yes, indeedy!
Stanley Potter: This one's for you, Mr. Dabney.
Mr. Dabney: Why thank you. Now I can serve the rest.
Stanley Potter: Yes sir, Mr. Dabney.
Mr. Dabney: All right.! You've got to hand it to Vera. When she throws a party she doesn't fool around.
[Estelle Penfield sneakily lifts Mr. Dabney's cornish hen from behind the bush with a long serving fork while his mind is occupied on the ambrosia wine]
Mr. Dabney: Now what's this? Oh, ambrosia! Pour a little wine, dear.
Mrs. Dabney: Oh yes. thank you.
Mr. Dabney: [Suddenly discovering that his chicken is missing] Hey it's gone!
Mrs. Dabney: Did you say something?
Mr. Dabney: Well, didn't the boy put a chicken on that plate, or am I going crazy?
Mrs. Dabney: Well, he certainly put a chicken on your plate, I saw it.
Mr. Dabney: I thought so. Ohhh!
Mrs. Dabney: [as Estelle makes an attempt to steal Mrs. Dabney's chicken] Now you have my chicken, honey! Honey!
[Estelle accidentally pokes Mrs. Dabney in the butt]
Mrs. Dabney: OWWWW! Ahhh! I've been stabbed! Ohhh! Something bit me!
Mr. Dabney: What's going on here?
Mrs. Dabney: Something bit me and it hurts.
[wailing in pain]
Mrs. Dabney: OH HO HO HO!
Stanley Potter: Please sit down and relax.
Mrs. Dabney: Oh I can't sit down. I've been stabbed!
Mr. Dabney: Listen here now, young man, I'm not used to this sort of treatment!

[Everyone's downstairs listening to Gene Krupa.]
Harold: [to himself] And I still say this music will NEVER be popular.

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Grady Sutton Facts
Came to Hollywood during a summer vacation with his roommate, the younger brother of director William A. Seiter. Grady was invited onto the set of one of Seiter's films and by chance given a job as an extra. He stayed in town for over six decades.

During World War II he was refused by the Army because of a bad stomach so he worked at Lockheed in order to support his country's war effort.

Did a slew of commercials over the years for such products as Chevrolet, Ford and Mean Mary Jean.

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