Job Actor
Years active 1902-56
Known for Comic western sidekick; catchphrases "yer durn tootin," "dadgumit," and "young whippersnapper"
Top Roles Farmer's Spokesman, Gabby Whittaker, Judge Gabby Whittaker, Major Carter, Despirit Dean
Top GenresWestern, Action, Romance, Drama, Adventure, Musical
Top TopicsOutlaws, Wild West, Civil War
Top Collaborators (Director), , ,
Shares birthday with Gary Cooper, Anne Baxter, Irving Reis  see more..

George 'Gabby' Hayes Overview:

Legendary character actor, George 'Gabby' Hayes, was born George Francis Hayes on May 7, 1885 in Wellsville, NY. Hayes died at the age of 83 on Feb 9, 1969 in Burbank, CA .


Many western heroes had comic sidekicks in the 1930's and 1940s, but George 'Gabby' Hayes was not only about the most popular, but perhaps the only one who was also a star in the public eye. A vaudevillian of long experience, he joined films with the coming of sound, and soon assumed the all-round white whiskers and flapped-back stetson hat, together with such expressions as "Dadgumit!" or "You're durn tootin". He died from a heart ailment.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Illustrated Dictionary of Film Character Actors).



He was honored with two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the categories of Television and Radio. Hayes was never nominated for an Academy Award.

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George 'Gabby' Hayes Quotes:

[Gabby is lying in a coffin]
Roy Rogers: How do I look?
Gabby Whittaker, aka Wildcat Kelly: Not dead enough.

[Gabby and Pat have crashed Gabby's car]
Pat: Why, you misplaced son of a half-witted hurricane, you've killed me!
Gabby: Awww, shucks, you ain't hurt none. A little shakin'-up's good for your liver. Well, what are you going to do about my car now that you've wrecked it?
Pat: What am I gonna to do about it? I'm gonna sue you for everything you've got!
Gabby: [gesturing toward his car] Well, that's all I got! Sue me.

Gabby Whittaker: What're you up to, son?
Roy Rogers: I've got a brainstorm, Gabby.
Gabby Whittaker: Oh, I know that. But what're you up to?

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George 'Gabby' Hayes Facts
Married one time, to Olive E. Ireland, from 1914-1957. Olive Ireland performed in vaudeville under the name Dorothy Earle and thus is often mistaken for film actress/writer Dorothy Earle, and that Earle is often mistakenly listed as one of George 'Gabby' Hayes's wives. Dorothy Earle was never married to George 'Gabby' Hayes.

He hosted a local 15 minute late afternoon show in NYC in the early '50s, aimed at school aged children (WNBT Ch. 4). This show presented Western feature films from the '30s and '40s. Each film would be presented in 5 installments Mon-Fri. The final installment , or "the showdown", on Friday would coincide with the last day of the school week. A double treat for the fans.

He was awarded 2 Stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for Radio at 6427 Hollywood Boulevard and for Television at 1724 Vine Street in Hollywood, California.

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