George Chandler Overview:

Character actor, George Chandler, was born on Jun 30, 1898 in Waukegan, IL. Chandler died at the age of 87 on Jun 10, 1985 in Panorama City, CA .


American cameo player. Subservient and sometimes sullen, Chandler looked dubious about most things in life, as he came on for fleeting appearances as busboys, clerks, reporters, elevator boys, and valets in more than 50 years' worth of films. He started in variety playing the violin over his head ("George Chandler, the musical nut") and came to Hollywood as a comedian, soon settling into scores of films as a supporting player. Most memorable as Ginger Rogers' disposable husband in Roxie Hart, Chandler was later popular in a gentler role, as Uncle Petrie in TV's Lassie series. Politically busy, this one-time president of the Screen Actors' Guild was also chairman of the Hollywood Overseas Committee during the Vietnam War. Died from complications following cancer surgery.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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George Chandler Quotes:

Mess Sergeant: [Bastogne is about to be overrun and everyone is being rallied to defend the town, he runs into motor pool] Fall out and draw rifles and ammo right now!
motor pool PFC: [shuts down motor he's working on] Chow?
Mess Sergeant: You ain't even warm! Follow me all of you, on the double!

Maj. Rufus Cobb: Now read it back to me, Roy.
Roy: "If we are ever going to have law and order in this part of the country, we got to take vipers like those Fords and that slimy railroad detective Runyon and shoot 'em down like dogs."

[first lines]
Ben Sneed: Hey fella, ain't you Dan Roman?
Dan Roman: Yeah.
Ben Sneed: I heard you whistlin' and I said to myself only one guy does that just so.

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George Chandler Fact
President of Screen Actors Guild (SAG). [1960-1963]

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