Esmond Knight Overview:

Actor, Esmond Knight, was born Esmond Penington Knight on May 4, 1906 in East Sheen, England. Knight died at the age of 80 on Feb 23, 1987 in London, England .



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Esmond Knight Quotes:

The Old General: [Speaking to the old Ayah, who dates back to when the palace, now intended for nuns, was used to house Toda Rai's father's concubines] Now listen, Ayah. I have invited some ladies to stay here, at the "house of women."
Angu Ayah: [Ecstatic, not realizing that the "ladies" Toda Rai is referring to are nuns] Ladies! Oh, that will be like old times!
The Old General: It will not be in the least like old times. They are not that kind of "lady" at all!
Angu Ayah: Then they won't be any fun.
The Old General: They are not coming for fun. These are nuns. Do you know what a nun is?
Angu Ayah: [Disdainfully] They kneel and pray all day like the monks you invited last year.
The Old General: I'm going to give them this house to make a school and a hospital for the people.
Angu Ayah: [Agitated, her voice rising] You know nobody here wants a school, and I'm sure they don't want a hospital!
The Old General: How do they know what they want until they try?
[Mr. Dean enters the room]
The Old General: The people have all kinds of diseases. They have ringworms.
Mr. Dean: They don't mind having ringworm.
The Old General: Then they ought to mind. And it will all be free!
Angu Ayah: It was free last time, and nobody came!
The Old General: They will this time.

The Old General: Do you see that crate? Sausages! They will eat sausages. Europeans eat sausages wherever they go.

Arthur Baden: The silly bitch! She's fainted in the wrong scene!

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Esmond Knight Facts
Father of Rosalind Knight.

Esmond Knight played the captain of the Prince of Wales in the film Sink the Bismarck! (1960). Ironically, it was while serving aboard the real Prince of Wales during her fight with the Bismarck that he suffered his injuries.

Nephew of C.W.R. Knight.

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