Edward Rigby Overview:

Actor, Edward Rigby, was born Edward Coke on Feb 5, 1879 in Ashford, England. Rigby died at the age of 72 on Apr 5, 1951 in Richmond, England .



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Edward Rigby Quotes:

[first lines]
Richard Barras: Well, Fenwick, will the men work tomorrow?
Robert Fenwick: Not if its to be in Scupper Flats, Mr. Barras.
[indicating a well-dressed union official]
Richard Barras: Even against your union?
Robert Fenwick: The union isn't being asked to work in Scupper Flats. On the other side of that coal seam is a million tons of flood water ready to rush right down on top of us.
Richard Barras: You don't think I'd take a chance in floodin' me own mine, do you, Fenwick?
Robert Fenwick: Well, show us the plans of them old workings, then!

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