Eddy Waller Overview:

Character actor, Eddy Waller, was born on Jun 14, 1889 in Chippewa Falls, WI. Waller died at the age of 88 on Aug 20, 1977 in Los Angeles, CA .



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Eddy Waller Quotes:

Dan Mitchell: The opinion in town is... you won't last long.
Hannaberry: The opinion here is... we will.

Nugget: Cemetery Ridge was a good town. A nice little town until The Fox and his minions took over. Do you know what a minion is, Sheriff?
Sheriff: Un-unh.
Nugget: It means nasty crooks the likes of you being made Sheriff by The Fox rather than being duly elected by the people.

[first lines]
Grandfather Stanhope: I don't know what the younger generation is comin' to. I never thought I'd see the day when a Stanhope lady, my own granddaughter, would go traipsin' off up North do a thing like this.

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Eddy Waller Fact
Allan Lane's (aka "Rocky" Lane) sidekick in almost every one of his Republic films, Waller was one of only three people--besides the minister and funeral director--who attended Lane's funeral.

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