DeForest Kelley Overview:

Character actor, DeForest Kelley, was born Jackson DeForest Kelley on Jan 20, 1920 in Atlanta, GA. Kelley died at the age of 79 on Jun 11, 1999 in Woodland Hills, CA .


Dark-haired, open-eyed, wry-mouthed American actor whose precise features could almost in their younger days have belonged to the hero of a puppet series. The son of a Baptist minister from Atlanta, Georgia, Kelley went to California as a teenager, obtaining minor theatre and radio work as an actor and singer (he can supposedly be spotted as one of the chorus of "stout-hearted men" in MGM's New Moon) and working as a lift-man to make ends meet. Roles in naval training films led to work in films in post-war years; he was briefly in leading roles, but his career was going nowhere as impassive gunmen in westerns when he signed on as TV's Doc "Bones" McCoy in Star Trek, a role which kept him busy on and off for almost 30 years.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



He was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Motion Pictures.

DeForest Kelley BlogHub Articles:

BEYOND STAR TREK BLOGATHON: DeForest Kelley on Zane Grey Theatre

on Jan 10, 2020 From Caftan Woman

The Beyond Star Trek blogathon is the brainchild of our hosts Quiggy of The Midnite Drive-In and Hamlette's Soliloquy. The blogathon explores the careers of Star Trek actors beyond and before their involvement with the influential and enduring series. Your exploration begins HERE and HERE. DeF... Read full article

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DeForest Kelley Quotes:

Vince Grayson: I've got an honest man's conscience... in a murderer's body.

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DeForest Kelley Facts
Inspired many fans to take up medicine. He and his wife visited one of them after graduating from medical school, after receiving an invitation.

Reportedly disliked doing the animated "Star Trek" (1973) series because he was never recording his lines at the same time as William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy. Kelley did not like this because he never got to interact with them and develop any rapport, which made reading his lines all the more difficult.

Was the only original "Star Trek" (1966) series cast member never to write an autobiography.

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