Colin Gordon Overview:

Actor, Colin Gordon, was born Colin Fraser Gordon on Apr 27, 1911 in Ceylon, [now Sri Lanka]. Gordon died at the age of 61 on Oct 4, 1972 in Haslemere, England .



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Colin Gordon Quotes:

Army Interrogator: Let me compliment you on your English by the way, it's very much better than my German.
Franz von Werra: If you think to get anywhere with flattery, Captain, you waste your time.
Army Interrogator: Get anywhere? How do you mean?
Franz von Werra: Is this not an interrogation?
Army Interrogator: My dear fellow! A chat and smoke by the fire?

Simone Clouseau: If I'm not being too nosy your highness, I read somewhere there was some dispute over the ownership of the Pink Panther.
Princess Dala: It belongs to me. It was a gift from my late father. I shall never surrender it.
Sir Charles Lytton: Why should you?
Princess Dala: When the present government seized power, they claimed the diamond was the property of the people. There's even some talk of the international court deciding the issue.
Sir Charles Lytton: I'll tell you what, why don't I steal the diamond, leave that old glove or whatever it is behind, and you and I can split the insurance.
Princess Dala: All right.
George Lytton: I feel like dancing.
[to Princess Dala]
George Lytton: Your Highness?
Princess Dala: I'd love to.
Sir Charles Lytton: [to Simone] How about you, Madame?
Simone Clouseau: Yes, of course.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Your leg is better, Sir. Charles?
Sir Charles Lytton: What?
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: I say your leg is better.
Sir Charles Lytton: Oh, yes. Much better. Thank you.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: You know, Mr. Tucker...
[scalds his hand]
Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Argh!
[put his burnt hand into Mr. Tucker's beer]
Tucker: That's my beer, old man.

Army Interrogator: [Talking on phone about von Werra] All the routine jargon, of course, but he doesn't believe a word of it. It just happens to suit his own book.
RAF Interrogator: [Voice on phone] Is he a keen party member?
Army Interrogator: No, sir, the only thing von Werra believes in is von Werra, a mixture of bombast and sheer nerve.

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Colin Gordon Facts
Educated at Marlborough College and Christ Church Oxford.

Won the inaugural (UK) Clarence Derwent Award for his role as "Rupert Billings" in "The Happiest Days Of Your Life". From then on, he gave up producing and became a full-time actor.

At first it was producing for the stage that claimed his attention. After six years service in the British Army, he returned to the theatre as a producer-actor, where he found roles in repertory and small parts on tour and in London.

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