Ben Welden Overview:

Character actor, Ben Welden, was born Benjamin Weinblatt on Jun 12, 1901 in Toledo, OH. Welden died at the age of 96 on Oct 17, 1997 in Woodland Hills, CA .


Short, stockily built, round-faced, wary-looking American-born actor, popular in early British films as tough-talking gangsters and sharpsters, even getting a leading role or two. He went to Hollywood in 1936 and stayed, although, after a good start as Humphrey Bogart's henchman in Kid Galahad, he declined to fairly minor mobster roles, often of the dim variety.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



Ben Welden BlogHub Articles:

Ben Welden

By Bogart Fan on Jul 21, 2013 From The Bogie Film Blog

(The Usual Suspects is an ongoing series of posts about some of Bogart’s more regular collaborators.? You can check out other entries in the series here.) The Man Born in Toledo, Ohio on June 12, 1901, Ben Weinblatt discovered acting while studying engineering at college, leading to a career t... Read full article

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