Alfie Bass Overview:

Character actor, Alfie Bass, was born Abraham Basalinksy on Apr 8, 1916 in Bethnal Green, England. Bass died at the age of 71 on Jul 15, 1987 in London, England .


Londoner often seen in cockney and/or Jewish "cloth cap" roles, he lurked under a clock of anonymity until his co-starring part as one of The Lavender Hill Mob brought his name to the public's attention. Later he tackled weightier roles, although almost always in the same vein as that in which he had started. Less often seen in films after 1958, following the creation of the malingering soldier "Bootsie" who appeared in two long-running TV series, The Army Game and Bootsie and Snudge. Died from a heart attack.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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Alfie Bass Quotes:

Shorty: I didn't like to say so, but I don't really fancy going to Paris meself.
Henry Holland: Why?
Shorty: Well a friend of mine, he pinched a couple of tickets for the Test Match, see? I wouldn't half like to see that.

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Alfie Bass Facts
As a one-time cabinet maker, he began his career building sets at the Unity Theatre, in London, before becoming an actor there in the late 1930s. He made his acting debut performing alongside Paul Robeson in the play "Plant in the Sun." During the 1950s he continued to direct shows at Unity, and on one occasion appeared in court charged with putting on a play without a license. He appeared in a number of Shakespearean roles on stage.

Appeared in the 1950s Landmark BBC Radio SF Series Journey Into Space as Lemuel "Lemmy" Barnet.

British character comic who played a number of archetypal Cockney working class roles.

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