Job actor
Years active 1965-1977
Top Roles Andre Devereaux, Andre Devereaux, Joe Mortimer, Sesame, Hubert Bonisseur de La Bath, alias OSS 117, Lt. Giorgio Borri
Top GenresDrama, War, Action, Historical, Crime, Thriller/Suspense
Top TopicsSpies
Top Collaborators (Director), , ,
Shares birthday with Dorothy Gish, Raoul Walsh, Al Ernest Garcia  see more..

Frederick Stafford Overview:

Actor, Frederick Stafford, was born Friedrich Strobel von Stein on Mar 11, 1928 in unknown, Czechoslovakia. Stafford died at the age of 51 on Jul 28, 1979 in unknown, Switzerland .



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Frederick Stafford Facts
Suave, dark-haired Austrian-born leading man in the "007" mold, playing a number of secret agent types in European features, most famously as the handsome protagonist in Alfred Hitchcock's Topaz (1969).

Son Roderick, born in 1964 in Switzerland, is a rock musician

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