Women in the Wind Overview:

Women in the Wind (1939) was a Drama Film directed by John Farrow and produced by Hal B. Wallis, Jack L. Warner, Bryan Foy and Mark Hellinger.

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Quotes from

'Stuffy' McInnes: ...I thought you was on the level
[with Janet]
'Stuffy' McInnes: .
Ace Boreman: On the level? Oh, you know me better than that, Stuffy. You know my motto: Feed 'em, fly 'em, and forget 'em.
[Ace doesn't realize that Janet has overheard this exchange]
Ace Boreman: [Janet flies Ace to her country cottage]
Ace Boreman: [as they enter the front gate] Nice place here.
Janet Steele: Think so?
Ace Boreman: Yeah, but I'm getting a little jealous.
Janet Steele: Why jealous?
Ace Boreman: I thought we were gonna be alone, and I find a flock of chickens to keep us company. Tell me, whaddya do with 'em, sweet?
Janet Steele: I've got a system all my own.
Ace Boreman: Oh, you have, huh?
Janet Steele: Mmm, hmm. I feed 'em, fry 'em, and forget 'em!

[first lines]
[a biplane roars into the frame. Fade to the front page of the fictional New York Recorder: "ACE BOREMAN DUE SOON, CIRCLING THE WORLD WITHIN EIGHTY HOURS; FLYER NEARS NEW YORK; RECORD WELL IN HAND; SHIP STILL GOES WELL; Ace Boreman's world-circling airplane, Polly, passed over the liner Normandie at 8:00 o'clock..." Closeup on Ace and Stuffy in the cockpit, cut to a view of the southern tip of Manhattan, and back to the cockpit]
Ace Boreman: There she is!
'Stuffy' McInnes: [blankly] What "she" are you talkin' about? Don't tell me you see a dame this high up.
Ace Boreman: [laughing] I'm talking about New York.
'Stuffy' McInnes: [deadpan] Oh. Well, don't put skirts on it.
Ace Boreman: I guess there'll only be one girl in your life, eh Stuffy?
'Stuffy' McInnes: [puzzled] Yeah? Who's that?
Ace Boreman: This one: Polly.
'Stuffy' McInnes: Polly's different. She can't talk back.
[Polly rolls out of view as the scene fades to a ticker tape parade. Ace and Stuffy are in the back seat of an open touring car, waving at the throng, and covered with streamers and confetti]
Ace Boreman: I bet you never got this many cheers when you were a fighter, eh Stuffy?
'Stuffy' McInnes: Nah, all I ever heard was the referee countin'
Ace Boreman: And half the time you couldn't hear that.
Ace Boreman: [Stuffy gives him a dirty look] Wave to the free people, Stuffy.

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Facts about

This film did well both critically and financially for Warner Brothers' B-Picture unit. In a review, "Film Daily" wrote "Mark Hellinger Associate Producer, uncredited can take full credit for an excellently mounted, well cast and carried out production." Most of the other reviews marveled that so much had been done with so little.
The use of several uncredited, but recognizable players in dual roles results in some odd situations: Sidney Bracey is first seen at the Burbank Airport starting point, then later he's in the crowd at Cleveland at the finish line.
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