The Little Colonel Overview:

The Little Colonel (1935) was a Comedy - Family Film directed by David Butler and produced by Buddy G. DeSylva.


Little Shirley generally manages to bring sunshine to every situation, and here she even brings harmony to the hard feelings left over from the Civil War. Barrymore can't stand the thought of his daughter (Venable) being married to a damn Yankee (Lodge), and it rankles to have to take them in when times get hard. Temple wins him over in her own benign version of Reconstruction.

(Source: available at Amazon AMC Classic Movie Companion).


BlogHub Articles:

The Little Colonel Meets Poe: Henry B. Walthall at Essanay: The Chicago Silent Era (Part 5)

By Janelle Vreeland on May 27, 2014 From Classic Movie Hub Blog

The Little Colonel Meets Poe: Henry B. Walthall at Essanay Henry B. Walthall is widely remembered today for his performance as The Little Colonel in D.W. Griffith?s controversial ?The Birth of a Nation,? and for his work under Griffith at the Biograph company. What often gets overlooked and forgotte... Read full article

The Little Colonel (1935)

By Beatrice on May 23, 2013 From Flickers in Time

The Little Colonel Directed by David Butler 1935/USA Fox Film Corporation Repeat viewing This Shirley Temple film is memorable for a couple of fantastic tap dance sequences with Bill “Bojangles” Robinson and a choral number at an African-American baptism. It is 1870′s Kentucky. ?... Read full article

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Quotes from

Elizabeth Lloyd Sherman: Tell me, dear, what happened?
Jack Sherman: Swazey and Hull were thieves. The land they sold me was worthless. We're ruined. We haven't a penny.
Elizabeth Lloyd Sherman: Jack, is all our money gone?
Jack Sherman: All of it. When I found out I got swindled, I almost went crazy. And on top of it, I got this fever.
Elizabeth Lloyd Sherman: Hush, dear. Don't think of that now. You must be quiet.
Jack Sherman: Poor Elizabeth. You made a sorry bargain when you gave up your beautiful home to marry me.
Elizabeth Lloyd Sherman: I'd do it again.

Aunt Sally Tyler: Can that be Lloyd that Becky is carrying?
Miss Lloyd Sherman: Hello, Mother! How do you do, Aunt Sally Tyler?
Aunt Sally Tyler: How do you do, dear?
Elizabeth Lloyd Sherman: Where have you been?
Miss Lloyd Sherman: I've been to see my grandfather, and I threw mud on him.
Elizabeth Lloyd Sherman: You threw mud on him?
Miss Lloyd Sherman: Yes, because he poked me with a stick. Then I got mad and he got mad, and we hollered at each other.
Elizabeth Lloyd Sherman: Oh baby, how could you disgrace Mother by going over there looking like a dirty little beggar?
Miss Lloyd Sherman: I didn't beg him for anything.
Elizabeth Lloyd Sherman: You've been a very naughty girl, and you're going to be punished. Becky, take her inside. Give her a bath and put her to bed.
Becky Porter: Yes'm.
Elizabeth Lloyd Sherman: Oh, I'm terribly upset. I wouldn't for worlds have him think I encouraged her in going there.

Jack Sherman: I want to thank you, Bob, for everything.
Col. Gray: It's been a great pleasure having you and your family with us, even for so short a time. Quite different from Philadelphia, isn't it?
Elizabeth Lloyd Sherman: Yes, indeed. We lived there for six years, but I never got used to the dreadful noise of the horse cars.
Col. Gray: Jack told me that you'd sold your house there.
Jack Sherman: We sold everything, lock, stock, and barrel. Took Greely's advice to go west, and here we are to find our fortune. I'm depending on your help for that.
Swazey: Oh, there's plenty there for the finding, if we're lucky.
Elizabeth Lloyd Sherman: I do wish we didn't have to go back home to Lloydsboro.
Jack Sherman: Now, dear, we've settled all that.
Col. Gray: This wild country is no place for women and children, and where Jack's going it's even rougher. Besides, Jack told me you have a lovely home waiting for you.
Elizabeth Lloyd Sherman: Oh, that sounds too grand. It's really just a cottage my mother left me.

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Facts about

To market the movie, the original book by Anne Fellows Johnston was re-printed by the A.L. Burt Co. Called "the Shirley Temple Edition", the book contained nearly a dozen photos from the movie, including a production still of Shirley siting on Lionel Barrymore's lap while wearing a costume not featured in the film.
This movie features Shirley Temple's famous "staircase dance" with Bill Robinson.
Nyanza Potts was so nervous about acting with Shirley Temple that he often missed his cues and forgot his lines. Temple took him aside and helped him rehearse, and afterward, no longer nervous around her, Potts performed perfectly.
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